Location: Bolu / Level: PhD / Duration: 4 Years / Language of Instruction: Turkish + English / Mode of Study: Full Time, On-Site / Tuition Fee: USD 1000 / TOMER Fee: USD 500 

Psychology has a brainstorming, graduate program research and development laboratory, and organizational psychology laboratories. It also has 2 rooms for observation-interview, psychological tests, research methods and experimental studies. Graduates of the program can be employed in ministries (eg Ministries of Health, Justice), relevant units of the Child Protection Agency, hospitals, industries, rehabilitation centers, schools and research institutions. Demand for psychology is increasing day by day in the fields of research and practice (psychological counseling and psychotherapy services), in today’s world where services for people are increasing.

The vision of the psychology undergraduate program is to contribute to meet the psychologist need of our country, to train professional staff in applied and research fields, to establish an understanding of psychology science methods and applications in individuals, and the necessary breakthroughs for the development of scientific research in sub-fields of psychology and the development of psychological health protective and curative practices in our country. is to do. We have international (Erasmus) and national (Farabi) student exchange programs. In addition, there is a graduate program in the department for students who want to be experts in their field. The Department of Psychology has developed well since its establishment, and this development and progress continues rapidly.


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