Location: Istanbul / Level: Master / Duration: 2 Years / Language of Instruction: Turkish / Mode of Study: Full Time, On-Site / Tuition Fee: USD 3.465  per Year / Tuition Fee Per Term: USD 1.733 / Payment in Advance (5% Discount) : USD 3.292

Occupational Health and Safety is a highly needed and requested science in our country. Occupational Health and Safety Ph.D. Program has been an inevitable necessity for our country due to the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 reinforced by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in 2012, businesses have to employ Occupational Safety Specialists and the low number of qualified personnel. The main goals of our PhD program are to contribute to national and international publications on occupational health and safety issues, to prevent occupational accidents by developing new scientific and technical applications in this field, to produce innovative solutions based on scientific perspectives, to improve occupational health and safety culture and understanding in our country in order to reduce accidents and occupational diseases and train qualified personnel.


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