Location: Çankırı / Level: Bachelor / Duration: 4 Years / Language of Instruction: Turkish / Mode of Study: Full Time, On-Site / Tuition Fee: 2.000 TL
The Department of Cinema and Television aims to develop the creative power of the student with the free creation opportunities it offers, together with the technical equipment that provides the basis for the individual abilities of the students, compatible with the developments required by the day; It aims to raise contemporary, researcher, thinking and innovative individuals. Having a good command of current approaches, concepts and inter-concepts in the field of television and cinema, having the ability to apply them in a production, comprehend the interaction between communication sciences and other humanities, follow and evaluate the current discussions, carry out an original work or production independently, can support the decision-making processes of individuals and organizations related to the solution of the problems encountered in these areas by using decision-making processes such as problem solving, comparing and planning, analyzing and evaluating new and complex ideas and discussions created by the interaction of television and cinema with other disciplines. It is our department’s goal to train people who can reach original results from evaluations and turn these results into implementation studies.
Students who have the opportunity to work actively in the field of cinema and television by bringing them together with advanced technology programs during their education; While developing their knowledge and skills about television and film design and applications, they also learn to reach information, reinforce the knowledge they have acquired, and reinterpret and work in a solution-oriented manner by combining them with their own thoughts.