Location: Şanlıurfa
/ Level: Bachelor / Duration: 4 Years / Language of Instruction: Turkish / Mode of Study: Full Time, On-Site / Tuition Fee: / TÖMER Fee:
Harran University Veterinary Faculty was opened in 1995. In the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, domestic animals, small and bovine animals and poultry breeding, production, improvement, improvement of their productivity, ensuring their health, treatment of diseases, prevention of epidemic diseases, fulfillment of preventive medicine duties in diseases transmitted from animals, control of animal quality and compliance with human health, environment education, training, practice and application of pollution, live animals and animal broadcasting are carried out. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine aims to ensure the development of student movements and teaching materials among educational institutions. Turkey to compete in the international arena to ensure that education and training of veterinarians system targets the activities of world-class basic research tasks. To train veterinarians who comprehend current and developing technologies, are equipped with knowledge and skills on the basis of research, have ethical principles and attitudes, and adopt lifelong learning as a principle to learn the educational mission of the faculty.
Vision of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; To be a faculty that is honored to be a national and international exemplary group and member, which trains, researches, information writing, and can foresee and solve all the main subjects in the field of veterinary medicine.