Location: Istanbul / Level: Associate / Duration: 2 Years / Language of Instruction: Turkish / Mode of Study: Full Time, On-Site / Tuition Fee: USD 4.000 / Discounted Fee: USD 2.000

The Restoration Program helps to preserve cultural heritage that possesses aesthetic, historical, and documentary values. In order to pass these important pieces of the culture to future generations, the program trains its students with a highly-educated art and technical staff to conduct high-level project planning and implementation on civil architecture, monuments and monumental buildings, preparation of building surveys, restitution offers, restoration/reconstruction projects. The language of instruction of this program is Turkish.

In a theoretical and practically designed education program, students are taught the protection concepts, restoration and conservation basic principles and methods, material properties of wood and masonry, construction technology and construction, basic technical drawing technical drawing rules, and computer skills, traditional building types, the traditional concepts of structural elements, all bearing and non-load bearing structural elements and components and their function, material and shape properties; extraction of measured drawings of traditional constructions and constructional elements, conduction of analysis, determine the current state and drawing restitution and restoration projects, acquisition of basic knowledge related to traditional handicrafts; taking inventories of historical artifacts and theory and methods of use of photographs and plans of restoration work in laboratories.

Students wishing to enroll in the Architectural Restoration program are expected to have outstanding color and shape perception, the power of aesthetics, strength of dexterity of fingers and hands use, as well as enjoy working outdoors on the fine arts. In this program, in addition to basic courses given to students, courses are taught on Art History, Technical Drawing I, Drawing I, Fine Structure I, Basic Computer, Principles of Antiquities Conservation and Restoration, Traditional Building Systems and Elements I, Basic Photography, Architecture and History of Art, Technical Drawing II, Drawing II, Fine Structure II , Mathematical Principles of Antiquities Conservation and Restoration II, Traditional Building Systems and Elements II, plans and drawings Photo Usage, History of Civilization, General Restoration Techniques, Survey III, decorating and Repair Techniques, Turkish Decorations Pattern Applications, General Restoration Project, Traditional Building Systems and Items III.


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